Our Journey of Love with Aniyah’s Biological Family
Our Journey of Love with Aniyah’s Biological Family
By Cristiana Amato
Building a family through adoption brings with it a journey that’s unique, sometimes complex, and always filled with love. One of the most beautiful aspects of our journey with Aniyah has been the relationship we’ve nurtured with her biological family, particularly her mother, Thomasiene. In fostering this bond, we’ve come to understand how important and healing it can be for all of us, especially for Aniyah.

Embracing Kinship Care: Angela's Journey
Embracing Kinship Care: Angela's Journey
In the world of kinship care, the unexpected is a constant companion. Angela’s journey is a testament to the resilience and challenges faced by those who step into this role. Angela took on the responsibility of raising her nephew when he was just 11. Today, she and her husband also care for their youngest through fictive kin placement.

McCrimmon Family Journey
Our journey into foster care began in 2021 and covid made a straight path to the finish line more of a winding road. After stopping half-way through in-person classes and starting from the beginning online we finally arrived as a licensed foster family in the late fall of 2021. We experienced many temporary and respite placements in the beginning and shortly thereafter received more permanent placements. The excitement of helping families as they figure life out was so exciting and fulfilling.

Daniel and Jerrie Teague
Daniel and Jerrie Teague have been foster parents for the past nine years. They have cared for 43 children and have adopted four children. Their most recent adoption is one that shocks many people. On September 8, 2023 they adopted their 18 year old foster son, Mez!

Courtney Thompson
After fighting infertility for 7 years and nothing working we took a leap of faith of becoming parents to children who needed us most and became foster parents!! It has been a rollercoaster of an adventure but we wouldn’t trade any of it! It’s been one of the best adventures in our life thus far!! My name is Courtney Thompson and my husband Eddie and myself became foster parents a little over 3 years ago. We were in a situation in our life where we knew we wanted to be parents but had many different cards dealt to us and were at a crossroads.

Gaile Osborne
They say nothing prepares you for parenthood. The same can be said, even more so, for foster parenthood. Gaile Osborne knows firsthand.
Gaile always wanted to be a mother. It was just in her. But when she and her husband, Thomas, decided it was time to start a family, they were left in shock at her infertility diagnosis.
Considering IVF and adoption, Gaile found both options prohibitively expensive. She also found the adoption agencies hyper-focused on her financial status, yet indifferent to her qualities as a parent.
“I was mad, and ‘mad’ turns me into change,” Gaile said. “I knew I needed to do something.”

Anise Stafford
Anise Stafford is a single mom of four from Caldwell County. She will have been licensed through DSS for 6 years in August. During that time, Anise has done foster care, respite care, and has adopted four children. The day after Anise was licensed, she did respite care for a little boy from Friday afternoon until Tuesday morning. On Tuesday afternoon, Anise got a call for a long term placement of a little girl, who she had custody of for two and a half years.