GIVE a GIFT by visiting HERE
Foster parents give and give and give and we want to show them that we are grateful for their commitment to children in our state. Please browse our Amazon Gift Registry and choose something fun to GIVE to families in our community. We will take items from this Gift Registry to create Family Fun Packs which will be given away EVERY FRIDAY until supplies run out. The more you GIVE, the more Fun Packs will be distributed to our wonderful foster families!
ENTER to WIN a Family Fun Pack by visiting HERE
IF YOU ARE A FOSTER FAMILY and you would like to WIN a Fun Pack, please fill out our short form. This form will help us to better serve you by ensuring that we have current information about the families that we serve. Once you have completed and submitted the form, you are automatically entered to win a Family Fun Pack! Each family may win only ONE Fun Pack. Winners will be announced on our social media and will be emailed. Your Fun Pack will be mailed to you via USPS.